I've been meaning to make a post about our new way of eating but something would always distract me. Today, for example, I was practicing parallel, bay parking and being busy nervous about my test (which is tomorrow). Just writing about it make my stomach work wrong way lol
But lets get back to the point. And the point is that we still doing what we decided to do 9 weeks ago, which is no red meat, no chicken, no dairy, no eggs. We did have salmon, shrimp or crab but since those things are super expensive it was super rare (maybe 3 times). We also had a bit dairy at Ethan's birthday in form of cream cheese and feta cheese and few deviled eggs at a very sad event. Ian's great uncle died, who was 97 years old. It was quite inspiring to hear all the great things about his life. I felt privileged to have met him and be a part of this Great family. It might be hard for some of you to find a connection between funeral of a very old man and our diet, but after the funeral we felt even more strongly about our changes in the life style.
Anyhow..I personally had two sodas during this period of time and the last one I had was actually today. To be completely honest, I didn't even wanna buy it when I was doing it. I just did it because I was buying it for someone else. I was out, I was driving everywhere all by myself (well, with my mentor), I did my parking good, I felt like maybe I deserved to celebrate. Which now, me thinks, is kinda stupid to think that way. "Yes, lets celebrate by putting poison in your body"....Umm, lets maybe not! Oh well. Live and learn. I feel tired and like a balloon right now...which is only my fault.
Back to the good part. There was no coffee or energy drinks, we had beers and wine which we need cut that down on even more. Otherwise lots of veggies, fruits, beans (i made my first chilly..it was veggie chilly and it was fabulous), nuts, natural fats (like coconut oil, avocados, nuts) and juices. Did slack on juicing a bit, but getting back on track. Really want to get my mind set to try 3 days juicing only. Preparing myself mentally ha! Ethan been drinking coconut (or/and almond) milk and eating the same stuff we do. He's doing great. Had his 12 months check up and his doctor was very cool about our changes in diet , stopping his formula and giving him none-dairy milk. She was impressed with his development and growth. Everything looked good. She even gave me her nutrition handbook to read up on vegetarian/vegan diets for toddlers. That was very nice of her!
Now my next goal is to get into workout routing. We did lose some weight. I've lost 11 lbs in 4 weeks. Right now it's been staying the same. I have a goal number but I can tell you now that even in clothes I looks skinny, without I look unhealthy. So numbers don't really matter when it's in your range height-to-weight. Fit tight body, that's what matters. I haven't noticed changes in my hair/skin/nails yet. Which kinda upsets me, because my hair got all screwed up after the pregnancy and stopping my pre-natal vitamins. Not sure what my body still needs, but I will figure it out slowly.
There are few things I want to research and change. Such as skin, make-up and hair products. I would love to find everything natural, gluten, toxic and cruelty free. That will be another story to tell.
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