Hey guys! Just wanted to drop by and show you some things close up from my Etsy shop and just random felted items I've made over the past half a year.
In the beginning of this year I re-discovered needle felting and fell in love. I also gave wet felting a try. Both techniques are equally fun but needle felting is my favorite. It gives result faster and for inpatient people like me it just works best :) And there's something about the needle pocking through soft wool for long periods of time..it's almost therapeutic for me ha!
So far I've made few tiny animal sculptures, baby mobile, cat/dog bed, unique looking creatures designs of which I've come up on my own and seamless dog sweaters. Check them out:
If you would like me to custom make something special for you I would be delighted to. Just comment on her with your email address so we can chat. Check out my Etsy shop Nina Mara Designs where I sell "felted fellas" aka weird cute looking monsters :)
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