My husband got in an accident on Friday night. He is fine and people he ran into are fine too. Our brand new car is destroyed and because I don't drive we do not own a car #2. Ian is an incredible driver, he works with cars every single day and he raced cars awhile it was absolute shock when he called me and said he got in an accident. I still haven't seen our car but I'm sure when I do, it will hit me hard. He is very sore and his shoulder hurts bad but otherwise he is fine. It just crazy to think that your world can change in one second if you make a silly mistake. Just few hours before his call I scheduled my driving part with the teacher to finish driving I will be more that scared and anxious :(
Updated 10 days after:
here's the car O_o
Updated 10 days after:
here's the car O_o
I am just very glad to hear your husband is doing ok... I think the scariest part of an accident is exactly that, making sure our loved ones are safe and sound.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ana! For sure, nothing else matters in situation like that