Ridiculous, I know! But sh*t life gets in the way. This past year has been filled with life altering events. I'm going to try and do this short and in chronological order.
But first: Ethan is now 2 years and 3 months, I am 29 O_o will be 30 this December..saywhaaaat!
1. Trip to Ukraine in August 2013.
The flight was a nightmare. Remember how I was hoping the flight would be fine, also how anxious I was to meet my friends and family. Well, meeting my people was the least anxious part of the trip. Flying solo with a 18 months old toddler who was having meltdowns every 30 mins on a delayed 10 hour flight...was not! At one point I cried, I drank wine, I bribed Ethan with all sorts of snacks, toys and cartoons (which worked only for 10 minutes)..I slept an hour in 24 hours, I was hungry, tired, hot and sweaty...but in the end it was all worth it.
2. Around January 2014 we started looking into buying a house. We lost 1st house, almost bought 2nd one that had a ton of major issues that owner didn't want to fix but the 3rd one was a charm. We live in it since May 1st. It couldn't be more perfect for us. We are truly blessed.

3. The saddest news of the past year is my father-in-law's passing. Just few weeks after we moved out of Ian's parents house into our own, his dad died suddenly of a hart attack. It was a shock...but then it wasn't. The man had heart problems for years, had a quadruple bypass few years ago, he never cared for himself properly, drank, kept everything a secret (and i mean everything) never let anyone help with his problems to decrease the amount of stress he was under. We all know stress in combination with alcohol killed him. He was the kindest person I have ever met. Lots of so-called friends took advantage of that but he didn't care. He'd always put everyone else first. It breaks my heart to pieces to know that Ethan will never see him again and his other grandpa is million miles away. I grew up very close to both set of my grandparents and it's horrible to know that Ethan is not going to have that. Gordon traveled all over the world when he was young, but his most favorite place was Ireland. He went there 15 times! So we are all quite sure that's where his spirit is right now :)

4. I finally passed my drivers test and now am able to drive on my own. Right after I got my licence and we let all our friends know, parents of our friend who passed 2 year ago called Ian and told him they are giving us Nate's car. For those of you who just found my blog - Nate was Ian's best friend. He shot himself 2 years ago. Ian remained very close to Nate's parents. Now we not only have 2 cars, but a huge part of Nate is always with us.

5.Since the new year had started I have been very inspired to go back and try wet and needle felting. I bought all the supplies about 3 years ago and when I tried it for the 1st time I did not like it one bit. Something pushed me to give it a shot again and now I've created these felted fellas that I am selling on Etsy. Look to the right there is a link. I've fallen in love with needle felting. It is almost magical what can come out of a chunk of shapeless piece of wool if you poke it with a needle haha! It is safe to say it is by far my favorite type of craft.
this is an example of what else I can felt other than my little monsters
6. My parents will be flying here this winter to celebrate American Christmas, my 30th birthday and New Years with us in our own house..woohoo!
7. Last but not least...it's kinda a biggie for me - I feel inspired to take photos again! Already had a photoshoot last weekend. 3 more have been planned.
Last shoot I did in 2013 - Trash the Dress
I think I covered all of the high lights of the last year since went MIA of ya'll. Hopefully my next post will be earlier than 2015 ha!
Have a great week.